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tarot spread

Diagram to show a tarot spread featuring the essence of the shamrock, or four leaf clover.

Clover Tarot Spread

With St. Patrick’s Day coming up, where better to look for inspiration than the four-leaf clover, otherwise known as shamrock. By Irish tradition, a clover brings you faith, hope and love. If you can persevere long enough to find one,… Read More »Clover Tarot Spread

Diagram to show a tarot spread featuring the spirit of the Eagle.

Eagle Tarot Spread

As the Eagle spirit has shown itself in many forms, this is a spread to offer assistance to others who also wish to work with it. The eagle demonstrates how we can have a wide perspective, or bigger picture, while… Read More »Eagle Tarot Spread

Diagram to show a tarot spread featuring the spirit of the butterfly

Butterfly Tarot Spread

The spirit of the butterfly is well known for its transformative powers. This spread taps into the essence of that to demonstrate how the butterfly has to surrender to transformation. Once it emerges from the cocoon, it only has a… Read More »Butterfly Tarot Spread

Diagram to show inner strength tarot spread. Featuring the spread layout and an image of the lion to depict strength.

Inner Strength Tarot Spread

Inner strength is a very powerful tool for our spiritual growth and personal development. As we build a firm foundation for ourselves, it becomes easier to maintain our strength. Not being shaken by everyday events and what we see in… Read More »Inner Strength Tarot Spread